If you are having issues with the Uploader, please read the following to see if there is a quick fix for the problem you have encountered. Most of our users are finding that it works fairly well, and a small percentage of our users have encountered very similar types of problems. In the interest of getting remote user problems fixed as quickly as possible, this page has been provided as a quick guide.

Problem Description Resolution
"I can't upload a 75mb file" The size limit is currently set to 35mb a file. This has been determined to be large enough for 95% of the files we require. Files which are legitimately larger than 35mb should be sent via FTP. Unfortunately due to technology constraints the webpage cannot calculate the size of a file until it is completely uploaded; and a limit is necessary to prevent our servers from becoming overloaded. If you are taking high resolution pictures, you MUST save them at a lower size before turning them in. For training on this please see your manager or see the instruction manual for your specific digital camera.

If you have a zip of many files which is bigger than 35mb then please turn these files in separately or in smaller zips.

Word documents can also have the images they contain adjusted to save space. Ask your manager for these instructions if you need them.

If this file is really larger than 35mb and does not fall into the above categories, please use the FTP site to upload it and notify the appropriate person.
"Files take forever to upload, even if they are small" Many users think that because their downloading speed (loading webpages) is fast, their upload speed will be as well. Upload is usually far slower. DSL tends to have slower upload than cable, but usually DSL offers several different packages with varying speeds.
This speed is dependent on your service, not EMG or the webpage. If you think of your ISP to be the post office, the connection you're subscribed to is like 3 day shipping - you wouldn't call a recipient and be surprised if they didn't receive a package overnight.
Visit this page to determine your upload speed. My results from home on a cable connection are 1.2mb in 20 seconds, about 300kbps. If your results are substantially slower you may want to consider upgrading your internet connection.
"I can't click on the Turn in Files button"

Users have custom font size settings which override webpage defaults. This is meant to be used for "accessibility": people preferring larger size text can adjust it, and some users call us not realizing their fonts are set to large.
If your screen looks like the below image, font size is the problem.

Adjust your font size to the default while using the page. Go to View, Text Size, and lower the font until the text looks normal and is not blocking the page functions.